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Interim Storage & Transport

Transport - Storage - Surveillance of Radioactive Waste

Safety of Nucleare Waste Management

On-site interim storage facility Philippsburg (Baden-Württemberg)

You will find a survey of the project dealing with the storage of spent fuel elements at the nuclear power plant site in this brief description (in German): brief description

The on-site interim storage facility applied for on 20 December 1999 and licensed on 19 December 2003 was commissioned on 19 March 2007 with the emplacement of the first cask (type CASTOR®V/19 and V/52). The interim storage facility has been licensed for maximum 40 years.

Before this interim storage facility had been licensed and completed, a so-called temporary storage facility had been operated between 31 July 2001 and 30 March 2007, where fuel elements had been stored until the interim storage facility was commissioned.

Previously granted licences on the on-site interim storage facility (in German)

Modifications / amendments currently applied for

  • Use of the transport and storage cask TN 24 E
  • Extension of the protection from disruptive actions or other third-party intervention (SEWD)
  • Additional loading variants for the transport and storage casks CASTOR®V/19
  • Storage of quivers with special fuel elements in casks of the CASTOR®V/19 type

Licensing authority

Since 30 July 2016, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BfE) is the licensing authority for interim storage facilities for nuclear fuels. It has taken over this task from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) that had been responsible until then.

State of 2017.03.07

© Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management